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2024-2025 registration and tuition payment information: Encore Dance Studio tuition is based on an entire season of dance. Our season runs from August 2024 - June 2025.


REGISTRATION FEE:  A non-refundable membership fee of $35 per student is required yearly at the time of registration ($15 for siblings). (Summer Camp does not apply). 

NEW: Tuition must be paid by automatic bank account debit or automatic credit card payment drafted on the 1st of every month to pre-pay for the upcoming month. Pre-payment to hold your spot in class is non-refundable. 

Any overdue fees and any non-sufficient funds payments will be charged a $35 fee. 



SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: Tuition fees are paid monthly. Tuition Rates are for the full season (August - June, including breaks), NOT by the number of classes in the month. 

DISCOUNTS: Family discounts described in the tuition schedule are for immediate family only. Encore Dance Studio will have the final decision regarding family discount eligibility. 

All accounts with Encore Dance Studio have one primary account holder. This is the account holder that registers and signs the registration form. This account holder will be the one considered financially responsible for the account. All arrangements for split payments must be made outside of Encore Dance Studio Payments will always be applied to outstanding balances first before being applied to current or future charges. 

EDC COMPANY: EDC Company members will be given a specific discount as written in your company contract. 

NON-REFUNDABLE: Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferrable. There will be no refunds or deductions for lessons missed. Make-Up Classes are available within two months of class missed. In the event of a serious medical injury, a request may be made for class tuition to be credited. Approval at the discretion of the Artistic Director. If we are forced to close due to inclement weather, we will offer your to make-up classes with another class of your choice in your level. 

AUTO DRAFT: All monthly tuition payments, Holiday Show costume payments, fees and Year-End Show costume payments, and Year-End show fees will be auto-drafted to the card on file. Tuition is due on the first of every month and will be auto-drafted on the first of each month. You will be emailed a receipt after your tuition is auto-drafted. 

RECEIPT OF PAYMENT: You will not receive a billing statement or invoice prior to any charges, however, you will receive a receipt of payment each month after the auto-draft. 

LATE FEE: If your card on file is declined, an alternate payment must be made within 48 hours. A $15 Late Fee will be charged for any payments not made in full by the 7th of the month. This includes declined charges for cards on file for any reason. 



PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: I hereby authorize Encore Performing Arts Studio, Inc. (Encore Dance Studio) to charge my credit or debit card for all services and products related to my family's enrollment in classes and activities at Encore Performing Arts Studio (Encore Dance Studio) including but not limited to tuition, supplemental materials, special events, costumes, concert or year-end show fees, accessories, etc. Fees are subject to change. I understand that my credit or debit card will continue to be charged on the monthly basis unless I notify the studio in writing 30 days before intent to discontinue via email to and receive an acknowledged returned response from Encore Performing Arts Studio (Encore Dance Studio) staff. I understand that it will not be sufficient notice to merely tell an instructor or other employee of our intent to discontinue. I have read this entire agreement and understand that I will be held fully responsible for its terms and conditions of service, including a 30-day written notice by email to Encore Performing Arts Studio (Encore Dance Studio) of any intent to discontinue. I understand that once the monthly installments for my annual tuition, my Year-End Show fee or my Year-End Show costume fee have occurred there will be NO REFUND given if I decide to discontinue. I agree to notify Encore Performing Arts Studio (Encore Dance Studio) immediately of any change in the status of my charge account including but not limited to card expiration, name change, limitation of use, loss or theft of the card, etc. In the event that the amount charged is refused for whatever reason, I accept responsibility for full payment for the amount charged as well as an NSF fee of $35.00. 

PAYMENT METHODS: We accept Master Card or Visa ONLY





1 class weekly: $60 per month

2 classes weekly: $120 per month

3 classes weekly: $175 per month

4 classes weekly: $225 per month

5 classes weekly: $275 per month

6 classes weekly: $325 per month



1 class weekly: $55 per month

2 classes weekly: $110 per month

3 classes weekly: $160 per month

4 classes weekly: $205 per month

5 classes weekly: $250 per month

6 classes weekly: $295 per month


Each family will have a portal to register for classes. It is your responsibility to keep all info (contact info, payment info, etc.) up to date. You can sign up or log in on the homepage of our website. Please contact with any questions about your portal and/or account info. In this portal, when registering a parent or guardian will need to sign off on all the policies below. 

CURRENT STUDENTS: Please check and confirm your contact, payment information, dancers grade is correct and up to date. Once you have registered, please verify all your classes are correct by logging into your customer portal.




PHOTO & VIDEO RELEASE: Parents/legal guardians give their permission to Encore Performing Arts Studio (Encore Dance Studio) to use photos and or video of their child without remuneration in connection with studio publications, social media, advertising, tv and news coverage. This is included but not limited to in the studio, recital, competitions, workshops, conventions, and fundraisers. No compensation will be allotted for the use of these photographs or videotapes.



RELEASE OF LIABILITY:  I, the undersigned, understand and acknowledge that dance can be a strenuous activity and accept responsibility for any injuries my child may incur while participating in any activity at Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC. I, the undersigned, understand and acknowledge that participating in dance classes, rehearsals, and performances involves inherent risks, including but not limited to, physical injury, accidents, or other health-related issues. I fully understand the nature of these activities and agree to assume all risks associated with my participation. Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC and its employees are not liable for personal injury, or loss of or damage to personal property.

In consideration of being allowed to participate in dance classes and other related activities conducted by Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, I hereby waive, release, and discharge Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, its owners, instructors, employees, and agents from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or liability for any injury, death, or damages resulting from my participation in such activities. This waiver includes, but is not limited to, any injuries that may occur as a result of: - Negligence on the part of Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, its owners, instructors, employees, or agents. - Improper use or malfunction of equipment or facilities. - Any other circumstances arising out of or in connection with participation in dance activities.


COVID-19 is contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, will make every effort to prevent symptomatic employees and dancers from entering the building. However COVID-19 has been proven to be asymptomatic in some persons. Therefore, Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19 or any other unknown virus. 

By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. By signing this agreement, I agree that my child and any accompanying persons will not enter Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC,  if we exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.

I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)'s attendance at Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, . On my behalf, and on behalf of my children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, , its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC, , its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 or other currently unknown virus infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any Encore Performing Arts Studio LLC,  program or class.


UNEXPECTED VIRTUAL CLASSES: If we are mandated to close our physical location due to any government order, classes will convert to virtual classes and instruction will continue. We have had great success with all ages on our virtual classes and are confident we can continue to engage our dancers should the need arise. There may be an approximate one-week transition period from the date of the shelter in place order until virtual classes begin in order to allow us to implement our action plan. This brief time period, if needed, will be treated as inclement weather days, meaning your dancer can choose a convenient make-up class from an appropriate class on our schedule.


SAFER STUDIO POLICY: Encore Dance Studio requires all staff and students to stay home when they are ill. In order to reduce community spread of Coronavirus, we follow best practices and recommendations from our local health department and from our industry association. Encore Dance Studio understands that unlike older children and adults, young children cannot be expected to maintain social distancing at all times. Therefore Encore Dance Studio focuses on a hierarchy of measures beginning with keeping ill people home, followed by frequent hand cleaning and good hygiene practices, amplified cleaning, and curricular and facility adaptations to minimize contact and mingling where possible. In the event a class is unable to be held at the studio classes will convert to an online learning platform until in-studio classes can resume.

LIABILITY RELEASE: As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless Encore Performing Arts Studio (Encore Dance Studio), its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and /or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of Encore Performing Arts Studio, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises. By signing this release form, I/we (the dancer and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by Encore Performing Arts Studio,. I/we agree to release and hold Encore Performing Arts Studio, including its owners, teachers, dancers, staff members, and facilities used by both entities from any cause of action, claims, or demands now and in the future. I/we will not hold Encore Performing Arts Studio, liable for any personal injury or any personal property damage, which may occur on the premises before, during or after classes. Furthermore, I/we agree to obey the class and facility rules and take full responsibility for my/our behavior in addition to any damage I/we may cause to the facilities utilized Encore Performing Arts Studio.


SAFETY POLICY: The safety of all of our students at Encore Dance Studio is very important to us. Please make sure a parent or guardian is present at the end of every class to pick up your student. Your child is unsupervised and we cannot be responsible for them after their class has ended. Transition periods between classes can be very hectic and we want to make sure every student is safe and taken care of. 

CLASS POLICIES: Encore Dance Studio reserves the right to terminate classes due to insufficient number of students. In such case, you may switch to a different day/time, if this does not work, a refund for unused classes will be given. We reserve the right to dismiss or refuse classes to anyone who does not comply with these policies, creates an unsafe environment, or who otherwise in our judgment disrupts the harmony or reputation of Encore Dance Studio. If our state is under lock-down due to COVID-19, we will continue with classes virtually. 


REGISTRATION FEES: A non-refundable registration fee of $35 for the first dancer and $15 each additional family member is due upon registration. 


WITHDRAWAL POLICY: We require a 30-day written notice via email if you need to withdraw from Encore Performing Arts Studio, LLC. Please email to withdraw from our 2024-2025 season. After the 30-day notice, we will terminate your monthly installment. 

This withdrawal policy remains in effect even if we have a shelter in place mandate from the federal, state or local government. In the event of a shelter in place, classes will convert to virtual classes and instruction will continue. There may be an approximate one-week transition period from the date of the shelter in place order until virtual classes begin in order to allow us to implement our action plan. This brief time period, if needed, will be treated as inclement weather days, meaning your dancer can choose a convenient make-up class from an appropriate class on our schedule. No refunds will be given for this week. 


Please call or email to sign up for your make-up class. Remember that a 30-day written notice will still be required for withdrawal.


MAKE-UP CLASSES: If your dancer misses class due to illness or other personal reasons, they will be able to make up the missed class in a similar class. There will be no discount or refund given for missed classes. There are no make-ups for classes missed when the studio is officially closed for holidays, etc. All classes missed due to inclement weather can be made up at your convenience using our existing class schedule.


DANCEWEAR:  We have a specific dress code for each of our levels. All dancewear must be purchased through the our Studio Storefront. Hair should be pulled back off the face for all classes. A proper bun must be worn for ballet class. Don't forget to write your name in all shoes, bags, etc.




HOLIDAY SHOW:  Encore’s Holiday Show puts everyone in the Holiday Spirit.  This is a great opportunity to see your dancer on the big stage and showcase everything they have learned up to this point.  More details on date, venue, costumes and tickets will be released in the early Fall.

YEAR-END SHOW: Encore's Year-End Show is the highlight of our season! Our show is not like your typical dance recital. It is a huge production, and we put a lot of creative efforts into the show each year to make it the best it can be. We love our show and our goal is to make every dancer feel extra special! It is a very important and exciting event for all our dancers! The Year-End Show will be at the end of June.  This is an exciting and rewarding part of the season that everyone looks forward to! We encourage all dancers to participate! Stay tuned for 2025 Year-End Show details to be released throughout the year!



Please discuss these rules with your dancers! Thank you!

  • All personal belongings may be kept in the dressing room or in the studio with the dancer if needed. Encore Dance Studio is not responsible for items left behind. Please make sure you check for all your belongings before leaving the studio.

  • Please keep an eye on your children, no running or climbing on furniture for their own safety.

  • Preschool and Kindergarten Parents: Please take your dancer to the restroom BEFORE class begins.

  • Please make an effort to be prompt! Excessive tardiness picking up your child will result in additional fees.

  • For the safety of our dancers, we typically follow Osceola County's decisions on inclement weather school closings. However, you should always use your own judgement when deciding to travel due to weather. We will confirm our closing via email when inclement weather affects Encore Dance Studio. We will also communicate all schedule changes on social media as well! No refunds for inclement weather. All classes missed due to inclement weather can be made up at your convenience using our existing class schedule.

  • Our staff is available during office hours to answer any questions you might have! You can reach us at or (407) 730-2932

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